EOS Missions

EOS Flights Chart

The graphics in this chart are intended to suggest some of the characteristics of the Earth and the Sun that are the objects of EOS investigations. EOS is concerned with radiation reaching the Earth from the Sun , the atmosphere that lies between the Sun and Earth's surface, Earth's surface - both land and sea, and the interactions among all these elements.

The boxes on the chart show the names of EOS missions that are planned for launch in the period from 1998 to 2002. In addition there are boxes listing non-EOS missions that carry EOS instruments.

Within the boxes are shown the scheduled launch dates of the missions and the expected products of the instruments that are also named in the boxes.

Many other EOS and related international missions will be undertaken for at least another ten years following the launch of the missions shown on the chart.

This link takes you to the current flight chart on our website.

EOS Mission Profile

The EOS Mission Profile chart primarily illustrates NASA's plans for launching a series of spacecraft in the next five years that are dedicated to remote sensing of various properties of the Earth system. International spacecraft that will be carrying NASA/EOS instruments are also shown on the chart. "First Series" means that the chart illustrates only current plans for EOS spacecraft missions. Later series are still being defined, and they will carry out remote sensing explorations of Earth for at least another ten years beyond on 2002.

Boxes for each mission appear below the timeline, divided into three vertical segments. The first segment gives the name of the mission along with the launch month and year. The second segment gives the category of the launch vehicle, where available, along with the orbital altitude and inclination. The third box gives the names of the instruments. Within the same box are both NASA instruments and international instruments (shown in italics).

This link takes you to the current mission profile chart on our website.